With its many, many functions and capabilities, I think this is the best calculator in the App Store. Its been many years since I studied algebra but this calculator has been helping me re learn what I forgot. It can seem overwhelming at first but with some practice youll get the hang of it. (I recommend a book called Head First Algebra. It emphasizes concepts rather than rote memorization.) And, the app is very reasonably priced. And, the tutorial is a lifesaver. When youve been out of school for a number of years and dont use what youve learned, naturally youre going to forget it. Believe it or not, algebra can be relevant for your day to day life. Buy a good book and use this calculator. I dont want to give the impression that this calculator is limited to algebra and algebraic equations. I just used that as one example. The help section added by the developer really is a lifesaver; not all calculator apps have them.